Feb. 7 & 8, 2025
Tournament Rules
Mandatory Captain's meeting: Friday 2/7/25 @ 6:30pm. One representative from each boat must be present at Sea Hag. Tokens will be given out per angler at this meeting.
Headquarters/Date of Tournament: Sea Hag Marina, 322 Riverside Drive, Steinhatchee, FL.; Saturday, Feb. 8, 2025.
Start time on Saturday 2/8: Lines in the water at 7am. Anglers can leave the dock when they choose.
Weigh-in time: Starts at 2:00pm and ends by 3:00pm. Anglers MUST be in line with fish and token in hand by 3:00pm- no exceptions will be given.
All fish are weighed on an INDIVIDUAL angler basis.
Eligibility - all Florida saltwater licensed anglers. Boats of all types are accepted.
Entry fee: $50/Angler ($25 for ages 12 & under); registration closes Friday 2/7 at 6pm.
Tackle & Equipment: artificial lures and live bait may be used. Spearfishing/gigging are NOT allowed; all fish must be caught on rod and reel.​
Permitted fishing locations: you must start in Steinhatchee, FL but are permitted to travel as far as you'd like within tournament hours.
You must return by BOAT for weigh-in; no trailering.
Scoring: target species are spotted trout and red fish. All fish are based on FWC regulations: Heaviest legal Redfish: 18-27"slot only; heaviest legal Spotted Sea Trout 15-19" only. Calcutta over slot trout 19" or greater only.​
Ties: in the case of a tie, the winner will be the individual that weighed in the earliest.​​
Santa Fe High School/Santa Fe High School Baseball and SFHS Baseball Club are not responsible for accidents or injuries received as a result of participating in this tournament.